4 May 2024
Judges: Nicole Cabell, Jeanine Tesori, Tazewell Thompson
First Prize: Ana Karneža
Second Prizes: Christian Mark Gibbs and Jason Zacher
Outstanding Performance of a Contemporary Musical Theater Selection: Queen Hezumuryango
Outstanding Vocal Achievement: Joseph Sacchi
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Achievement: Magdalena Kuźma
Emerging Talent Awards: Paula Gaudier, Jack O’Leary, Maxwell Seelig, and Rachel Wresh.
Outstanding Performance of Lenya Competition Songbook Selection: Nikita Labdon and Ian Williams.

29 April 2023
Judges: Josephine Barstow CBE DBE, Ted Chapin, Jim Holmes, Kyle Scatliffe
First Prize: Taylor-Alexis DuPont, Ryan Johnson, Nyla Watson
Kurt Weill Award: Jeremiah Sanders
Rebecca Luker Award: Celeste Rose
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Stephanie Wake-Edwards
Emerging Talent Awards: Jenna Rose Cipolla, Stephanie Chee, Franziska Gepraegs, Zoe Haugomat, Hannah Kullawiak, Rebecca Madeira.
Outstanding Performance of Lenya Competition Songbook Selection: Olivia Doig and Brandon Roth.

6 May 2022
New York, NY
Judges: Phillip Boykin, Robin Guarino, Jeanine Tesori
First Prize: Amanda Sheriff
Second Prize: Ruth Acheampong and Katrina Galka
Third Prize: Jeremy Weiss
Rebecca Luker Award: Ronald Wilbur
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Awards for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Valeria Gorbunova and Hallie Schmidt
Emerging Talent Awards: Nick Capodilupo, Grace Craig, Victoria Hill, Tess Levine, Zach Simpson, Layla Vafiadis, Gillian Weatherford
Outstanding Performance of Lenya Competition Songbook Selection: Claire Leyden

28 August 2021
New York, NY
Judges: Victoria Clark, Andy Einhorn, Mary Beth Peil
First Prize: Andrew Polec
Second Prize: Victoria Okafor
Third Prize: Charles Eaton and Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Katrina Galka and Kaileigh Riess
Carolyn Weber Award: Max Chernin
Kurt Weill Award: Rebekah Howell
Rebecca Luker Award: Taylor-Alexis DuPont
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Katherine Beck
Emerging Talent Awards: Haley Dortch, Nicole Goldstein, Lydia Graham, Brandon Roth, Eric Sebek, Ruby Shadley, Ayaka Shimada and David Young

Scheduled for 2 May 2020, the Finals were canceled. Twelve finalists were selected at the Semifinals, 11-12 March.
Judges (semifinals): Rebecca Luker and Lisa Vroman
All finalists received the KWF Trustees’ Award: Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod, Anighya Crocker, Dylan Glenn, Rivers Hawkins, Jonah Hoskins, Elena Howard-Scott, Gemma Nha, Marie Oppert, Teresa Perrotta, Lauren Senden, Jeremy Weiss, Ronald Wilbur.
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Sydney Clarke
Emerging Talent Awards: Melanie Dubil, Emily Holguin, Kassondra Kardos, Nicole Maridan, Sadie Spivey, Kodiak Thompson, and Katie Yeomans

13 April 2019
Judges: Adam Benzwi, Ute Gfrerer, Mark Lamos
First Prize: Daniel Berryman
Second Prize: Andrea Wozniak
Third Prize: Trevor Martin
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Nyla Watson
Lys Symonette Award for Extraordinary Artistic Promise: Jonah Hoskins
Marc Blitzstein Award: Katherine Riddle
Carolyn Weber Award: Jeremy Weiss
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Isaac Frishman
Emerging Talent Awards: Jenna Barbieri, Sondrine Bontemps, Katie Kallaus, Maxwell Levy, Lee Metaxa, Kaylee Terrell, Elsie Wagner Sherer.

14 April 2018
Judges: Victoria Clark, James Holmes, Jack Viertel
$15,000 Winners: John Brancy, Caroline Hewitt, and Laura Corina Sanders
$10,000 Winners: Christian Douglas, Reilly Nelson, and Philip Stoddard
Carolyn Weber Award: Christof Messner
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Richard Glöckner and Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod
Marc Blitzstein Award: Nkrumah Gatling
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Shannon Jennings
Emerging Talent Awards: Keenan Buckley, Emily Harkins, Marlene Jubelius, Sarah Jane Juliano, Claire Leyden, Grace Roberts, and Trevor Todd.

22 April 2017
Judges: Rob Berman, Anne Bogart, Shuler Hensley
First Prize: Bradley Smoak
Second Prize: Felipe Bombonato
Third Prize: Paulina Villarreal
Special Awards of $3,000 each: Curtis Bannister, Gan-ya Ben-gur Akselrod, Molly Dunn, Jasmine Habersham, Michael Hewitt, Philip Kalmanovitch, Marie Oppert, Tony Potts, Taylor Raven, Katherine Riddle, and Lisa Marie Rogali
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Jennifer Witton
Emerging Talent Awards: Danielle Bavli, Annette Berning, Tucker Breder, Kalyn Schnabel, Juliane Stolzenbach Ramos, Trevor Vanderzee

16 April 2016
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, Andy Einhorn, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: Jim Schubin and Brian Vu
Second Prize: Dennis Wees
Third Prize: Talya Lieberman and Eric Michael Parker
Carolyn Weber Awards: Tom Schimon and Reilly Nelson
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Lindsay O’Neil
Marc Blitzstein Award: Bradley Smoak
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Brendan Sliger
Emerging Talent Awards: Jeremy Brown, Kaitlyn Davis, Katherine McLellan, Todd McNeel, Randa Meierhenry, Lucas Pastrana, Janell Stallard, and Katherine Weber

18 April 2015
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, James Holmes, Rebecca Luker
First Prize: Lauren Michelle
Second Prize: Robin Bailey and Jordan Davidson
Third Prize: Michael Maliakel and Adam Fieldson
Carolyn Weber Award: Briana Silvie Gantsweg
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Florian Peters and Talya Lieberman
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Lesley Baird
Emerging Talent Awards: Alicia Ault, Alaysha Fox, Theo Hoffman, Noel Houle-von Behren, Arica Jackson, Julian Kazenas, Jennifer Kennedy, Christian Magby, Ben Odom, Jameelah Leaundra Robinson, and Bill Townsend

12 April 2014
Judges: Rob Berman, Judy Kaye, James Robinson
First Prize: Ben Edquist
Second Prize: Arlo Hill
Third Prize: Natalie Ballenger
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Robert Ariza, Diana Rose Becker, and Briana Elyse Hunter
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Dramatic Interpretation: Katie Travis
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Brian Vu
Emerging Talent Awards: Neda Lahidji, Zach Miller, Mary Beth Nelson, Laura Corina Sanders, Ethan Simpson, Christine Cornish Smith, Anthony Witson-Martini, and Clayton Graves Williams

13 April 2013
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, James Holmes, Patricia Racette
First Prize: Douglas Carpenter
Second Prize: Maren Weinberger
Third Prize: Alison Arnopp and Lauren Roesner
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Rachel Kara Cordeiro-Pérez and Ginger Costa-Jackson
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Charles Z. Owen
Emerging Talent Awards: Cree Carrico, Conor McDonald, Sofia Selowsky, Brian Vu, Allan Washington, and Katie Wesler

21 April 2012
Judges: Rob Berman, Theodore S. Chapin, Rebecca Luker
First Prize: Matthew Grills
Second Prize: Justin Hopkins and Jacob Keith Watson
Third Prize: Megan Marino
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Natalie Ballenger
Lys Symonette Award for Extraordinary Promise: Maria Failla
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Kate Tombaugh
Emerging Talent Award: Robert Ariza

16 April 2011
Judges: Rob Berman, Michael Kaufmann, Rebecca Luker
First Prize: Caitlin Mathes
Three equal prizes of $8,000 each: Jing Lin, Emma Sewell, and Jacob Lewis Smith
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Daniel Schwait and John Viscardi
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Vocal Talent: Jorell Williams
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Amber Opheim
Emerging Talent Awards: Natalie Ballenger, Samantha Helmstetter, Nathan Lucrezio, Kevin Russell Rose, and Cecelia Ticktin

17 April 2010
Judges: Rob Berman, Timothy Nolen, Lisa Vroman
First Prize: Rebekah Camm
Second Prize: David Arnsperger and Margaret Gawrysiak
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Performance of Individual Number: Cooper Grodin
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Vocal Achievement: Edward Mout
Lys Symonette Awards for Extraordinary Artistic Promise: Kyle Scatliffe and Timothy J. McDevitt
Awards to non-finalists
Grace Keagy Award for Outstanding Vocal Promise: Julia Teitel
Emerging Talent Awards: Krista Buccellato, Margaret Dietrich, Lora Lee Gayer, Blair Goldberg, Joseph Mikolaj, Annie J. Rago, Adam R. Richardson, and Daniel Schwait

18 April 2009
Judges: Rob Berman, Theodore S. Chapin, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: Alen Hodzovic
Second Prize: Lauren Worsham
Third Prize: Zachary James
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of Individual Numbers: Michael Anthony McGee and Yannick-Muriel Noah
Lys Symonette Award for Vocal Promise: Ginger Costa-Jackson
12 April 2008
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, Victoria Clark, James Holmes
First Prize: Rebecca Jo Loeb
Second Prize: Ariela Morgenstern
Third Prize: Bray Wilkins and Maija Skille
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of Individual Numbers: Tora Augestad, Lauren Jelencovich, and Elizabeth Reiter
Lys Symonette Award for Vocal Promise: John Brancy
21 April 2007
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, Ted Sperling, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: James Benjamin Rodgers
Second Prize: Analisa Leaming
Third Prize: Christopher Herbert and Leena Chopra
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Vocal Talent: Paul Corona, Jeanine De Bique
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Dramatic Talent: Brian Charles Rooney
22 April 2006
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, James Holmes, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: Justin Welsh
Second Prize: Justin Lee Miller and Rodell Aure Rosel
Third Prize: Sarah Blaskowsky and Hallie Silverston
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Karim Sulayman, Meredith Arwady, and Bray Wilkins
Four of the five prizewinners were presented in a concert on 18 May at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
9 April 2005
Judges: William Bolcom, Harold Prince, Angelina Réaux
First Prize: Jonathan Michie
Second Prize: Liam Bonner and Erik Liberman
Third Prize: Morgan James
Lys Symonette Special Award for Outstanding Performance of an Individual Number: Jendi Tarde
Prizewinners were presented in a concert on 19 May at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
27 March 2004
Open to singers under the age of 32.
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, Alvin Epstein, Angelina Réaux
Three equal prizes were awarded to Richard Todd Adams, Amy Justman, and Misty Ann Sturm
Prizewinners were presented in a concert on 3 June at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
22 March 2003
Open to singers residing in the United States and Canada under the age of 32.
Judges: Theodore S. Chapin, Ted Sperling, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: Siri Vik
Second Prize: Peter McGillivray
Third Prize: Elaine Alvarez, Jeffrey Behrens, and Michael McKinsey
Four of the five prizewinners were presented in a concert on 15 May at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
13 April 2002
Open to singers residing in the United States and Canada under the age of 32.
Judges: Eric Stern, Teresa Stratas, Stanley Walden
First Prize: Lisa Conlon
Second Prize: Kyle Barisich and Ethan Watermeier
Lys Symonette Awards for Outstanding Vocal Talent: Amy Van Looy, Nicole Cabell, Lucas Meachem
The First and Second Prize winners were presented in a concert on 13 May at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.
17 March 2001
Open to students enrolled in a degree program in the United States or Canada.
Judges: André Bishop, Welz Kauffman, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: Jennifer Dyan Goode
Second Prize: Raquela Sheeran and Jacob Langfelder
Lys Symonette Special Awards: Noah Stewart and Misty Ann Castleberry Sturm
All winners participated in a concert at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center in New York City on 27 November 2001.
Judges: James Holmes, Elmar Ottenthal, Teresa Stratas
16 February 2000: Competition for students of the Akademie der Künste Berlin, co- sponsored by the Kurt-Weill-Gesellschaft and Kurt Weill Foundation for Music.
First Prize: Sophia Brickwell, Lisa Löfquist, Juliane Price, and Susanne Serfling
Second Prize: Nicole Johannhanwar, Rosa Schneider, and Anneka Ulmer
17 February 2000: Competition for young professional singers, Dessau, co-sponsored by the Kurt-Weill-Gesellschaft and Kurt Weill Foundation for Music.
First Prize: Annette Postel
Second Prize: Kaja Plessing, Kathrin Unger, and Cordula Wirkner
Winners of both competitions were presented in a gala concert at Dessau’s Bauhaus on 18 February, following the opening of the 2000 Kurt-Weill-Fest.
3 December 1999
Open to students enrolled in a degree program at an institution in New York, Connecticut, or Massachusetts.
Judges: Jonathan Eaton, John Mauceri, Teresa Stratas
First Prize: Amy Orsulak
Second Prizes: Christina Carr and Dirk Weiler
Third Prizes: Daniel Spiotta and Amy Van Looy
Lys Symonette Award for Outstanding Accompanist: Thomas Rosenkranz
All winners were asked to participate in a concert at New York City’s 92nd Street Y on 6 February 2000.
12 November 1998
Open to students of the University of Rochester
Judges: Mark Cuddy, Julius Rudel, Teresa Stratas
Rachel Albert, Leah Arington, Heidi Bieber, Rebecca Comerford, Katia Escalera, Danielle Frink, Elizabeth McDonald, Brian Mulligan, Lauren Pastorek, Tami Petty, and Teresa Winner.
The competition winners were presented on 14 November in a recital at Eastman’s Kilbourn Hall.